Information for Employers

How does the Canada-Ontario Job Grant work?

As an employer, you are in the best position to identify the skills your business needs, or areas where you are having difficulty finding workers with the right skills.

The Canada-Ontario Job Grant program offers funding towards the cost of training provided by eligible third-party trainers such as CROSSROADS Barrie. The total cost of training will be shared by the government and the employers.

The government could provide two-thirds of the cost of training, up to a maximum of $10,000 per grant. Employers will be required to contribute the remaining one-third of the training costs.

For Example: Company ABC has an opening for a Long-Haul Truck Driver. Patrick, a long-time employee, is selected for this position but requires training in commercial driving. The cost of the training is say $9,900. Company ABC applies for the grant and receives commitment from the government for $6,600. Company ABC commits to paying the balance of $3,300. Patrick gets the driver training he needs for the new job and Company ABC gets the right person with the right skills.

Who can provide the training?

The Canada-Ontario Job Grant provides funding for training programs offered by CROSSROADS Truck Training Academy, a Registered Private Career College, among others.

Training takes place in both the classroom and in-cab by qualified, experienced instructors.

Eligible driver training courses offered by CROSSROADS Barrie include AZ (tractor trailer), DZ (straight truck), and BZ (city and county buses).

What types of training costs are covered by the grant?

The Canada-Ontario Job Grant funds provide these training costs:

Tuition fees charged by the training company
Mandatory student fees
Textbooks, software and other required materials
Examination fees

Who can apply?

Any business, including not-for-profits, with a plan to train Canadians for a new or better job is eligible to apply.

Employers must first contact their local Career Centre to start their Canada Ontario Job Grant application.

Important Links and Resources

Canada-Ontario Job Grant Assessment Tool:

Canada-Ontario Job Grant Program:

Canada Ontario Job Grant Program